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Jeff Chandler
About Cedar Grove
Meet the Family!
1st Lady Catherene Chandler
Min. Jeffrey Chandler
Sis. Jhalexuis Chandler
Sis. Jahkyeria Chandler
The History of Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Cedar Grove A.M.E. Church as we best know was planted in the minds and hearts of a few of God’s soldiers in the year of 1887, under the leadership of the late Rev. Bradley.
These soldiers organized as a group and made plans to build the first Cedar Grove A.M.E. Church. It was a wooden structure built out of wood they cut and made themselves, it was located approximately a half mile east of the present Church. The officers as we best know then that was instrumental in getting this Church built are the following: Bro. Harris Flanging Bro. Green Harris Bro. Hunfel Tate Bro. Calhoun George Bro. Will Rakestraw Bro George Tate These were faithful servants, because their membership soon out grew this church, and in 1893 it became necessary to build a second church. They were still under the leadership of Rev. Bradley. This building was called a box building and was built on the present lot. The membership continued to grow and in 1910 they had to build a third Church along with a school house building. The officers as we best know then that was instrumental in getting this Church built are the following: Bro. Will Muckle Bro. Willie Mack Bro. Crawford Rakestraw Bro. Henry Muckle Bro. Jim Bonds Bro. Earlie George
Cedar Grove continued letting God guide them by faith and in 1952 it became necessary to build a fourth Church to accommodate their membership. They were under the leadership of Rev. T. R. Reed. The officers as we best know then that was instrumental in getting this Church built are the following: Bro. Meddie Rakestraw Bro. Tommy Harris Bro. Ed Damonds Bro. McDonald Dukes Bro. Ryland Shields Bro. Clifford Poole Sr.
Cedar Grove continued to be blessed by God and the membership continued to grow, and in 1969 it became necessary to build a fifth Church to accommodate their membership. They were under the leadership of Rev. Davenport. The officers as we best know then that was instrumental in getting this Church built are the following: Bro. McDonald Dukes Bro. Eugeames Johnson Bro. Ed Damonds Bro. Ryland Shields Bro. Guy Shields Bro. Clifford Poole Sr. In 1983 under the leadership of the late Rev. J.B. Lester the mortgage was burned and plans to build a fellowship hall was made. The officers as we best know then that was instrumental in getting the fellowship hall built are the following:
Bro. McDonald Dukes Bro. Eugeames Johnson Bro. Ed Damonds Bro. Gaddis Starks Bro. C. B. Lester Bro. Ryland Shields Bro. Rufus Sims Bro. Eddie Young Bro. Clifford Poole Sr.
The Pastors that have Faithfully served at Cedar Grove are the following: Rev. Bradley Rev. T. R. Reed Rev. J. W. Means, Rev. C. C. Earley Rev. C. A. Cash Rev. Harris, Rev. W.B. Lawrence, Rev. J. G. Brown Rev. Berry, Rev. Vinning, Rev. W. B. Lawrence Rev. Curry, Rev. Hester Rev. McMullen, Rev. Carbaugh, Rev. Sanford Rev. James Bailey Rev. H. Moon, Rev. Wells, Rev. T. C. Blandingbird Rev. Dr. Donald D. Davenport, Rev. J. B. Lester, Rev. Ronald Bowens, Rev. Dr. Luther Durham Jr., Rev. Dexter Sims Rev. Regina Bell. On April of 2012 under the leadership of Rev. Daniel the Cedar Grove Independent Methodist Church converted to the Baptist faith, and is now the Cedar Grove Baptist Church.
Our present pastor and 1 st Lady is Rev. Jeff Chandler and Catherene Chandler that serves faithfully.
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